
  • I stumbled across Super Me on social media one night and haven’t looked back! I’ve been making morning smoothies for about a month now, the taste took a bit of getting used to but only took about we week for my taste buds to adjust. Like other converts have said I have more energy, more mental clarity and best of all NO sugar cravings!!!! I had a really sweet tooth, and my love of baking didn’t help. I would snack on lollies at work and always have chocolate or baking after dinner. Thanks to Super Me I don’t eat after dinner and Mon – Sat only have water, peppermint tea and black coffee in the 13 hours between dinner and my morning smoothie. I sit next to the lolly jar at work and haven’t touched a single lolly in over 4 weeks!! My morning smoothie is Super Me, banana, spinach, water or almond milk & frozen blueberries or raspberries.


  • I was introduced to Super Me while cleaning up my brain health and learnt how the ingredients are so beneficial to the brain I had to give it a go. I’ve been adding half a sachet to my smoothies every morning and I’ve instantly noticed the difference. I always feel awake and focused after having one and have so much more energy, not to mention being so keen for the day ahead of me even when I’m just heading into work! To make it better it’s the easiest and tastiest breakfast I’ve found plus it blends so well I never have to worry about big clumpy chunks of powder ruining my smoothies.

Ben Martin 

  • Man did my thirties and two kids catch up with me. Stacking on weight, tired, and sick. I started going to the gym, but the weight kept packing on. Someone said “eat better”, but when was I supposed to find the time to do that? One day google came up with this stuff called “Super Me”. Its been 3 months now – I’ve needed to buy new jeans (smaller!), spring out of bed, and overall just feel great. The blender that had sat doing nothing for years is now used daily – and in 2 minutes I have a healthy breakfast/lunch ready to go. Thanks for making such a great product – seriously, if you’re looking for a ‘no gimmick’ smoothie that doesn’t cost hundreds – this stuff is just the best. Customer for life!

Kate Cameron

  • As a new Mum to an eight month old baby I was feeling lethargic from many nights of broken sleep and early morning wake ups. Even though I was sleep deprived I still wanted to workout daily for my mental sanity however needed a supplement in my diet to help restore and boost my energy levels. Its only been two weeks of having a Super Me smoothie daily and I can honestly say my energy is far greater! I am also sleeping so much better and my concentration has increased. After my weight sessions I am also finding my body isnt as sore and my recovery is much faster. Thank you to Chad and the Super Me team for creating an amazing super food – I’m hooked!

Hana Ngarimu 

  • I’ve been having a Super Me Smoothie every morning for a few weeks now and I am a believer!!! I’ve tried various smoothies and energy boosting supplements from many different suppliers. Most of them give you a boost for the first few days you use them and then fall flat. Super Me is showing no signs of falling into this trap :-) My energy levels are much higher then they have been for quite some time. All the other brands of smoothies I have tried have also, in my experience, failed to keep me full for very long. Super Me lasts around 4 hours for me every day and I’m barely using half a sachet! I take mine with a half cup of water, a banana, two tablespoons of natural greek yogurt and a half cup of mixed berries all chucked into my bullet. But the main bonus for me is how Super Me has effected my digestive/stomach issues. It’s a rare thing for me to find anything (food/supplements/smoothies/you name it) that doesn’t leave me in pain/with cramps. Super Me doesn’t. I can’t recommend this stuff enough! I’ve made sure my mum knows all about it and she’s just started morning Super Me’s too :-)

Harley Billington

  • Loving the smoothies for breakfast every morning. Certainly noticed a bit of a kick in energy and warm fuzzy feelings… are you sure all the ingredients are legal? Doesn’t matter, works great. Glad to have found these now too.. our baby was born last week and she’s a beautiful little thing but loves to keep us up all night so the morning energy boost is keeping me alive at the moment :)
    Current having blended with banana, frozen blueberries, soy milk, raw egg, and a bit of 100% maple syrup.
    On a side note, thanks for also keeping packaging to a minimum. I really appreciate the simple sachets and paper bag packaging, without the acres of plastic that most products these days have. Keep it up!

Michael Percasky

  • I have been using Super Me for 3 months. I initially started taking two sachets every day but now I am having one a day, 5 days a week. Being a sceptical person I wasn’t convinced it was doing too much at the start but I can clearly see the benefits now. I have a clearer mind and body but I think where I have noticed the most extraordinary benefits is with my skin. I have suffered with severe eczema every winter for the past 17 years using all the steroid creams and other products under the sun. I can happily say that this is the first winter I am virtually eczema free and the only thing I can put it down to is the Super Me product.

Tim Lucas 

  • Talk about a kick start to the day.
    Super Me is a product that promotes a energetic, healthy lifestyyle that actively reduces tiredness and increases productivity.
    Whether you’re trying to reduce stress, achieve more, or just add a nutritious meal to your day, Super Me is defeintely the go-to option.


  • Absolutely love this product. I took the sachets twice a day for 1 month 5 days a week and on my off days my body definitely noticed not having it. After the four weeks I had one week break and noticed even more how much my body missed it. As I have been experiencing fatigue with aches and pains over the last 7 months, the main things it helped me with is keeping my aches and pains down due to all the anti inflammatory ingredients. I also noticed how much more motivation it gives me and the ability to handle whatever my day brings me. I am a big believer in this product!!

Adam Bennett

  • Pretty much addicted to this stuff. I have my SuperMe with one scoop of Vanilla Zrii, X1 Banana, Ice and Oat Milk every morning. Tastes amazing if you make it using the above ingredients. Great to see a one stop packet that is full of natural goodness. Makes my morning rush that much healthier and easier :)

Steph Lucas

  • I have been using Super Me smoothies for going on 3 weeks and I have noticed the positive and healthy effects on my body. Plus it is so easy and convenient, being a full time working mum I found it to easy to skip meals, now I have this for breakfast or lunch. I am full, satisfied, I have energy and increases my overall mood. I no longer need a coffee to wake me up in the morning.
    Awesome product and highly recommended. And the postage is super fast!

Nick Collins

  • Super Me new Super Smoothie pouches are fantastic product – all the macro and micro nutrients the body needs to kick start the day off! Highly recommend this to those wanting to make a serious upgrade to the nutrition/diet.
    Also great for those who travel alot for business – throw a few sachets in your suitcase.
    I see big things for this innovative company in 2017 :)


  • Felt energy coming through within 2 hours of drinking the smoothie.
    Made me feel fresh, energetic and ready for action. Reduced tiredness, increased alertness/concentration.
    Tastes very earthy with no artificial taste. Adding frozen berries or fresh fruit improved the taste.
    I would absolutely have it again.
    SUPERME is your go to healthy source of the good stuff in a sachet — JUST ADD WATER and some frozen fruit!


  • Amazing product. Carbs are a little high so use half a sachet and top it up with a scoop of protein mixed with half water and half milk. Makes it taste really good while getting key nutrients I need and makes it really cheap as a meal replacement.

Sylvie Burke

  • These packets of gold are worth more than gold itself. I have so much more energy, I feel nourished, and I can feed it to the whole family to kick start their day. A true addict right hurrr xx